Monday, 28 June 2021

I've not been taken hostage, I'm just enjoying fishing!

 Unfortunately, in the chaotic midst of summer, when it seems that the cream of the sport for almost all species, now coinciding with a backlog of long-delayed social occasions with the relaxation of Covid restrictions, writing (and healthy sleep patterns) takes a natural back seat for a little time. I'm looking forward to sharing more tales of piscatorial pursuit and amusing antics along the way when the daylight hours wane once again, but now is the time for reaping and not sowing. I'm pleased to say however that I've had a few pieces of writing published in other mediums, should you be needing to scratch the itch vicariously. 

Hookpoint Fishing Magazine is a free to read online publication, taking a wide look at all things saltwater fishing from a UK base out towards global forays. With much of sea angling literature frankly deserving it's demise for lack of quality, poor fish handling and poor sporting attitude; the folks at Hookpoint have put a refreshing new voice into the arena, with an engaging mix of both modern technique ideas, conservation concerns and fun stories. I tapped up a little piece about the rhythms of shoulder season bass fishing on some new local ground to me - Bassackwards (cheers Kurt Vile for the title). You can find it in the June 2021 issue here: Bassackwards • HookPoint Fishing

Secondly, it's been a pleasure to keep contributing articles for the stunningly quality Fly Culture Magazine. My latest piece, Lotta Sea Lice (Again, thanks to Kurt and Courtney for an excellent album) features in the Spring 2021 quarterly issue. I'm quite pleased with how this piece came out, though still dwarfed by the fantastic pieces of the other contributors, and am glad that tapping up my musings on this blog has helped to learn to write slightly better after mildly traumatic failings in English at school. Printed on the highest quality paper, sustainable inks, with sleek graphic design and an immersive mix of contributors tackling everything from winter steelheading, cursing mullet on the fly and wanderings for wild trout in the distant highlands of Scotland. I was psyched when I first heard about this publication coming together and it really has surpassed expectation, telling the stories of how and why this whole fly fishing game seems to take over so many lives. You can order issues from their website here: Fly Culture Magazine.

That's all from me for now, hope everyone is enjoying summer and getting out a little too much!